New, Rare and Unreleased Material from the DMZ Empire
New, Rare and Unreleased Material from the DMZ Empire

The Lonesome Death of Frank Teruggi

The Nagasaki Bomb and the Division of Korea
The New York Times’ Deception Story
My latest, just published in The Nation. Here’s the lead: The New York Times may still have a Judith Miller problem—only now it’s a David Sanger problem. Miller, of course, is the former Times reporter who helped build the case for the…
Max Blumenthal’s Korea Scoop
Over at Harper’s yesterday, Washington journalist Max Blumenthal broke a major story about the Trump administration and North Korea. His scoop was buried in a typically gutsy story from Max about UN Ambassador (and major neocon) Nikki Haley and a speech she…
Agreed Framework was “murdered” by the Bush administration
In the midst of the massive pushback in Washington against the Trump administration’s denuclearization talks with Kim Jong Un, a former US intelligence analyst did some truth-telling about past negotiations. “The Agreed Framework did not fail; it was murdered. It…

How the U.S. prevented ROK retaliation in 2010 and what it could mean to the DPRK today
Here’s a blast from the past that could illuminate the future of US-North Korean relations. There’s been a lot of talk lately about how US troops in South Korea might fare after a peace agreement is signed between the US…