New, Rare and Unreleased Material from the DMZ Empire
New, Rare and Unreleased Material from the DMZ Empire
LDP Japan

Japan Crosses the Rubicon

American Military Power in Asia and the Trump Factor
The Pentagon is trying to push through a trilateral alliance with Japan and South Korea before anyone noticed. But I did. My latest, from TomDispatch: Despite the attention being given to America’s roiling wars and conflicts in the Greater Middle East,…
Hiroshima: Yes, an apology is long overdue.
President Obama will visit Hiroshima on May 27, accompanied by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Should he apologize, pundits ask? Absolutely. My thoughts, just posted at The Nation. The idea that the atomic bombings brought an end to war has always seemed…
Roundup: US militarism in Asia-Pacific, Oct. 19-30, 2015
A Storify listing of stories I posted on Twitter from China, Japan and Korea over the past two weeks, prepared for the Founding Meeting of the Korea Peace Network. I’m giving a talk Friday morning on the “Geopolitical contest and…
Abe’s Proxy Army – on Facebook
We just love our proxy army, navy and air force. This is from the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Facebook page. Guess they think they need a lot of propaganda to overcome the deep aversion to the security bills that Abe – to…
Hot Jazz in Fukushima
A report from my friend Alan Gleason, an American expatriate living in Tokyo, about his recent visit to Japan’s earthquake zone with his hot jazz band, “The Hot Club of Osawa.” (That’s Alan, playing the stand-up bass) By Alan Gleason…
Naoto Kan and the End of ‘Japan Inc.’
My latest, from The Nation. An excerpt: The fact that so many media organizations had to fly journalists to Japan underscores how much that country has disappeared from our political discourse since the early 1990s, when Japan’s economic juggernaut was…
Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare (Part Two)
Nuclear Gypsies – The subcontractors who do the dirty work As the six reactors at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima power complex have burned out of control over the past week, both the foreign and Japanese press have been full…
Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare
Part One: Japan, Democracy, and the Globalization of Nuclear Power (Updated throughout 3/20/2011) Part Two: Nuclear Gypsies (posted 3/20/2011) Since I woke up last Friday, I’ve been monitoring the terrible earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan and watching with horror…

TEPCO’s shady history
In 2002, Tokyo Electric Co. admitted to falsifying its records of nuclear inspections and hiding the facts for more than a decade. Ironically, the information came from a whistleblower at GE, which helped build the plants and has contracted with…
Koizumi insults Asia once again
Japan’s Elvis-loving Prime Minister has visited Yasukuni Shrine for the umpteenth time. The Germans have left behind their Nazi past. Isn’t it about time Japan does the same for its reactionary emperor system and helping to trigger World War II?…