South Korea, Twitter, and the Origins of Citizen Journalism
South Korea’s Oh My News became a global sensation in 2002 by running dispatches from ordinary citizens and freelance journalists that broke through the lies and controlled news that became the norm during South Korea’s dark period of authoritarian government.

Gwangju and
The Cherokee Files

DMZ Empire/Korea & Japan in America’s Pacific Strategy (1945-2022)
In Focus

The NSA Four
How a toxic mix of cronyism and fraud blinded the National Security Agency before 9/11. My 2013, pre-Snowden, story with Tom Drake, Kirk Wiebe, Bill Binney, and Ed Loomis. One of the best stories I ever did for The Nation.
Spies for Hire
Document of the Day

1947: “Comparative Costs – US and ROKA Soldier”
A 1947 comparison by the U.S. Embassy in Seoul of the costs of American vs South Korean troops. Basically, a ratio of $200 to $1. Cheap labor indeed.